Industrial Hygiene

Looking to keep your workplace safe and healthy? Our Industrial Hygiene Consulting and Management Systems Services can help!

Our team of experienced professionals will work with you to identify and assess potential hazards in your workplace and provide you with practical solutions to reduce the risks to your employees. We offer a comprehensive range of field services, including air quality testing, noise level monitoring, risk assessments, and auditing.

Our management system services will also help you to establish and maintain effective occupational health and safety programs that comply with regulatory requirements. We will work with you to develop policies and procedures, conduct training programs, and perform audits to ensure that your workplace is safe and healthy for all employees.

Investing in our Industrial Hygiene Consulting and Management System Services is not only a smart decision for the well-being of your employees, but it also makes good business sense. By proactively managing potential health hazards in your workplace, you can reduce absenteeism, increase productivity, and lower worker compensation costs. 

Thorough & Accurate

Our team of experienced consultants is well-versed in the latest industry standards and regulations, and we can help you stay compliant with regulatory requirements and industry standards. From air quality monitoring to noise exposure assessments, we offer a wide range of services to meet your needs. Our goal is to work closely with you to identify and prioritize potential hazards and develop effective solutions to address them. We understand that every workplace is unique, and we'll work with you to develop customized solutions that fit your specific needs and budget. With our industrial hygiene consulting services, you can rest assured that your workplace is safe and healthy for your employees and visitors. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you keep your workplace safe and healthy. ‍

Occupational Health Program Development

Exposure Management Program Development

  • A workplace exposure assessment program is a management system designed to systematically identify and mitigate health risks to the workforce.

Hazardous Material Management Programs (Codes of Practice)

  • Asbestos
  • Benzene
  • Hydrogen Sulphide
  • Lead
  • Silica
  • NORMs
  • Radiation

Confined Space Management Programs

Safety Data Sheet Review and Development

Risk Assessments

Confined Space Assessments and Inventories

Indoor Air Quality Assessments

  • Most IAQ issues can be resolved by assessing temperature, Relative Humidity, CO, CO2, TVOCs and particulates.  
  • Some situations may require additional sampling for mold or other contaminants.

Worker / Workplace Exposure Assessments

  • Environmental and Occupational noise monitoring
  • Radiation and NORM Surveys
  • Thermal Stress
  • Ventilation
  • Silica and other dusts
  • Chromium IV
  • Benzene and other VOCs
  • Mercury
  • Methanol
  • Oil mist
  • Lead
  • Mould


  • Office Assessment
  • Industrial Assessment
  • Physical Demand Analysis

We service the following sectors:





Oil & Gas



Film & Television

Lenders, Banks


Effective and Efficient

With decades of experience in a variety of industries, our IH team has the tools to provide accurate and efficient solutions tailored to your situation.

Steven Lyth, CIH, CSP, CRSP, MBA.
HSSE Operations Manager
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