Seamless Integration of Compliance and Security Experts


Initially engaged for consulting on regulatory compliance and security matters for an LNG construction endeavor, PMO was requested by the EPCM Prime Contractor to furnish full-time regulatory and marine security subject matter experts. This was imperative due to the project's location in a sensitive area. The Prime Contractor sought PMO's provision of senior experts to lead regulatory compliance and security implementations throughout the project's 3-year duration.


British Columbia


Oil & Gas


Regulatory, Security


  1. Compliance Manager: Overseeing regulatory adherence and ensuring compliance with pertinent laws and regulations.
  2. Site Security Lead: Spearheading the implementation and management of site security measures to safeguard project integrity.
  3. Permitting Coordinator: Facilitating the acquisition and management of necessary permits and authorizations..


PMO seamlessly transitioned our consulting experts into full-time roles within the client's team, minimizing time and resources typically required for onboarding. Leveraging our team's existing familiarity with the project, PMO provided a Senior Compliance Manager and a Permitting Specialist to oversee on-site compliance tracking. Additionally, a Site Security Lead was appointed to orchestrate the deployment of robust security systems. This approach ensured continuity of expertise and smooth integration into the client's operations, facilitating efficient project execution.

Expertise on demand

Connect with us today to speak with our Subject Matter Experts and we'll show you why PMO is the best in the business.

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